Saturday, December 18, 2010

week 19: Movement

Well, it has been a while... again... since I last recorded my pregnancy in here... I am getting bigger and bigger as of late! I love it that I actually look pregnant and that when a person sees me, they think "awwww, how cute"... instead of "man... Poor girl ate to much for dinner I guess" :-) I am very happy and very comfortable, except for when I twist the wrong way and my round ligaments get pulled and I have that NASTY pain in my side.

Just the other day, I believe it was Wednesday, I felt the baby move for the very first time! It was really neat! just think, I have a little baby in there! It is becoming more and more real as the days go by! I cant believe that I have already made it to my 5th month AAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! only 22 weeks left of this pregnancy! I guess I better figure out what I am having soon so that I can get the nursery started :-)
On Thursday I had another prenatal appointment. I got to meet with a midwife! That was really neat! She was very gentle and kind and was able to answer some of my questions about the birthing center at the Modesto hospital! I believe we are going to have a good experience there! Anyways, I am going to go to bed! ta ta for now! :-)