Thursday, October 28, 2010

week 13: NO Nausea!

WOW! I must say that 13 is a magical number! I hit this week and just like that! BAM nausea was GONE! Life is so much better now! :-) I am still feeling a little sleepy, but I would rather deal with that then feeling sick! Anyways, this morning my sister actually woke me up at 4:00 AM to tell me she was going into labor! I jumped in my car and drove the 2 hours so I could witness it! It was.... SCARY! Man, I think I will keep this baby in always! I do not look forward to giving birth HEHE! I guess though that women have been doing it for thousands of years and I will be fine, it is just really scary to think about! Anyways, I am starting to get bigger these days! My tummy is just starting to show a little baby bump! These next few months will be more enjoyable I think :-) Anyways, I just thought I would share what is going on with me these days! Take care all!

Oh, my sister had a beautiful little Girl! :-)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

week 11: pictures and back pain

Well, Sam and I went for our first prenatal appointment... That was pretty scary for me because they did a complete physical exam on me ahhhh NEVER had one of those before! Anyways, after the exam was done, we had a sonogram and I got to see my little blob and its fluttering heart beat! It was VERY sweet! I wanted to cry! It really made us actually start to FEEL like dang, we are actually going to have a baby now! It was very exciting! according to the measurements that my doctor took, we are about 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant so a little behind what I had originally thought however, I am still going by my first due date until the pregnancy gets a little more advanced. Anyways, Sam and I got to go home from the doctor that day with our very own picture of our very own BABY! :-) life is so amazing!
Man, these last two weeks my back has been absolutely KILLING me especially my lower back! I think it is due to my growing boobs... it takes more for me to pull my shoulders back and stand up straight! They have grown a whole bra size! Like that was what I really needed! GRRRR anyways, I am going to go and get a new bra this week! I hear that is supposed to help with back pain... we shall see though! Anyways, my next doctors appointment is on the 8th of November so we will be able to see my progress at that time! anyways, keep on checking back for my next post! and wish me luck with my back :-)