Thursday, March 3, 2011

week 29: hospital visit

Well, I went to my prenatal visit today! The first thing my midwife said to me when she stepped in the room was "Wow You look great!" That was the sweetest thing she could have told me! She said that all my blood tests came back REALLY good and that I am in perfect health! That made me feel wonderful! Anyways, when she pulled back my shirt to listen to babies heart beat, the first thing she said was "WOW! You have beautiful skin! I can tell that you don't eat fast food!" Wonderful! I feel REALLY good about all this :-) She told me that babies heart is really strong and everything is going according to plan :-) I have however gained 25 lbs through out this pregnancy which isn't ideal... but she told me that it isn't too bad! Anyways, hopefully I can continue on being healthy :-) If only I have a healthy baby! Thats all I ask :-)

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa says to stay away from Ice Cream and pickles. (:) It sounds like you are doing it right sweetheart. We are all very excited and sure do look forward to May. Love you all.
